Microdose 2

November 8 – December 1, 2020

Gallery Opening: Nov. 8 / 12 - 4 pm

In a culture that often puts emphasis on getting all things bigger or in large amounts beholds a surprising truth that an emotion or physiological reaction can come from something so tiny. 

Each original piece in this exhibition is no larger than 2.5 inches.

 Dos Diaz  / Alfred Liu / Alyssa Mees / Andrew Ghrist / AndSoto / Art of Miso / Audra Auclair / Bernard Lee / Colin Verdi / Corinne Reid / Dave Cooper / Diego Penuela / Eli McMullen / Erik Mark Sandberg / Faunwood / Felicia Chiao / Heidiroo / Huntz Liu / Jenny Yu / Jessica So Ren Tang / JP Neang / Kelly Lu / Kelsey / Buzzell / Kenard Pak / Kevan Hom / Kristin Kwan / Matt Schu / Michael York Gilreath / Niky Motekallem / Oliver Hibert / Paper Puffin / Svetla Radivoeva / Vanessa Gillings / Vasilisa Romanenko / Yumi Yamazaki

No online previews or pre-sales for this exhibition. 
Artwork will go online after the gallery opening. 


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