November 16 - December 6, 2018
"Salut" is an expression of friendly feelings used toward one's companions before drinking. In conjunction with our bar, hundreds of coaster artwork will be on display in the gallery. We have an outstanding roster of talented artists from near and far. At $50 each, this is a great opportunity to own original art!
Artwork will be for sale at the opening reception, and will be available online the following day. There will be no previews/pre-sales for this show.
Artwork will be for sale at the opening reception, and will be available online the following day. There will be no previews/pre-sales for this show.
Aaron Piland / AJ Frena / Alex Beck / Alex Chiu / Alex Dos Diaz / Alex Gold / Alex Kuno / Alexander Reisfar / Alfie Berger / Alice Lee / Alina Chau / Alison George / Amanda Sartor / Amy Earles / Andi Soto / Andrew Maclean / Angela Fox / Angela Sung / Ava An / Ayumi Takahashi / Bagger43 / Bao Pham / Betsy Walton / Bijou Karman / Bill Carman / Bill Ross / Brett Stenson / Brian Uhl / Brooks Salzwedel / Bryce Wymer / Camily Tsai / Cate Andrews / Chad Eaton / Chris Gerringer / Christa Dippel / Cleonique Hilsaca / Colin Frangicetto / Corinne Reid / Dadu Shin / Daniel González Liberal / Dirty Robot / Dean Stuart / Deth P. Sun / Edward Cao / Eli McMullen / Eliza Ivanova / Elizabeth Haidle / Ellen Surrey / Emily Pettigrew / Erica Williams / Faunwood / Feifei Ruan / Fiona Hewitt / Fumi Mini Nakamura / Graham Yarrington / Guno Park / Helen Mask / Helice Wen / Hermann Mejia / Huntz Liu / Jacob Van Loon / James Lipnickas / Jason A. Mowry / Jason Herr / Jason Limon / Jeannie Lynn Paske / Jessica Dalva / Jessica Roux / Josh Chance / JP Neang / Julian Callos / Julie Benbassat / Karl James Mountford / Kathleen Neeley / Katie Gamb / Keiko Murayama / Kellan Jett / Kenard Pak / Kevin Hong / KozynDan / Kristina Micotti / Kyle Fewell / Kyoosang Choi / Lia Tin / Lily Seika Jones / Lindsay Stripling / Lisa Congdon / Maggie Chiang / Maggie Ivy / Malachi Ward / Manuja Waldia / Mari Inukai / Marika Paz / Maria Nguyen / Marisa Aragón Ware / Mark W. Richards / Matt Gordon / Matt Rockefeller / Matt Schumacher / Meredith Miotke / Meyoco / Michael Polakowski / Mike Schultz / Molly Mendoza / Naoshi / Natalie Erickson / Nick Runge / Nicole Gustafsson / Niky Motekallem / Ninjabot / Oliver Hibert / Phoenix Chan / Pixel P / Priscilla Wong / Rachel Maves / Redd Walitzki / Reiko Murakami / Rich Pellegrino / Sally Deng / Samuel Araya / Sean Mahan / Shawn Hebrank / Siamés Escalante / Song Kang / Stacey Rozich / Stephanie Brown / Stephen Molyneaux / Steven Russell Black / Tall Boy / Tallulah Fontaine / Taylor Gray / Thomas Ascott / Tim Peacock / Tobias Kwan / Travis Millard / Tugboat Printshop / Vanessa Gillings / Wendy Hearts / William Basso / Willie Real / Winterteeth / Yellena James / Yu Maeda / Yuliya Pietletskaya / Yumi Yamazaki / Yumiko Kayukawa / Yuriy Ibragimov / Yusei Abe / Zach Meyer / Zach Oldenkamp / Zoe Persico

November 16 - December 6, 2018
Reception: November 16 / 7 - 10 PM
Title: The Weird Girls
Mizna Wada is a Japan-based illustrator. She was born in 1974 in Kumamoto, Japan. She materializes creepy and cute girls by using various techniques: Drawing, Painting, Paper cut, Print Gocco, Cloth Doll.