Collection: The Infinite Well

May 4 - 30, 2018

The Infinite Well brings together 28 American artists at varying stages in their careers, all of whom share fantastic technical skill, a love of narrative and the ability to immerse viewers within wonderful visions, be they outlandish and surreal or comfortingly familiar.

Continuing WOW x WOW’s tradition of curating unthemed exhibits, The Infinite Well has provided participating artists with the opportunity to contribute pieces from their ongoing personal bodies of work. Allowing creative minds the freedom to explore without restrictive parameters is at the core of the WOW x WOW ethos, as it enables the creation of the most honest, powerful and liberating work that an artist will ever produce.

The show title is a metaphorical nod to the deep reservoir of inspiration that artists draw from. Encompassing everything from feelings, emotions, dreams, relationships, memories, social events, cultures and history, the list of stimuli which can inspire and provide fodder for the imagination, stretches to infinity.

Simultaneously and literally speaking, a ‘well’, typically contains water, which symbolises life, and in the context of the act of creation, is very fitting indeed. Throughout history, as it was often located in the centre of a neighbourhood, the well also came to symbolise community, which neatly ties in with this show. Community provides excellent opportunities for everyone and facilitates the sharing of ideas and feelings, in turn generating connections and continued growth, something which this show is a testament to.


Adrian Landon Brooks / Bennett Slater / Bill Mayer / Blaine Fontana / Charlie Immer / Chris Leib / Corinne Reid / Dallas Rayburn / Dan May / Dean Stuart / Deth P. Sun / Edward Cao / Helice Wen / James Lipnickas / Jason Limon / Jeremy Hush / Jesse Jacobi / Jolene Lai / Kelsey Beckett / Kisung Koh / Laura Berger / Leonardo Santamaria / Mandy Cao / Matte Stephens / Phoenix Chan / Rebecca Green / Sam Wolfe Connelly / Sandra Yagi / Shoko Ishida