Collection: Nicole Gustafsson / Miranda Zimmerman

August 2 - September 4, 2019

Nicole Gustafsson
Vancouver, WA

Nicole Gustafsson is the creator behind NIMASPROUT. Nicole works as a full time illustrator, specializing in traditional media paintings featuring everything from woodland characters and environments, to pop culture based project. She currently lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and pet kids.


Miranda Zimmerman AKA Faunwood
Eugene, OR

Miranda Zimmerman uses inspiration from nature and her background in science to create intricate and dreamlike creatures.  Her work invites the viewer to explore a world where the lines between science and fiction are blurred. 

Miranda graduated from California State University–Monterey Bay with a bachelor's degree in Evolutionary Biology.  She then went on to acquire her graduate certificate in Science Illustration, and spent three months working on paleontological reconstruction at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago.  She now resides in the Pacific Northwest, taking on freelance work and creating Faun-Creatures to fill her fictional universe. 
Clients include Oculus Rift, The Field Museum, and independent researchers.